JBoss Installation Guide

The JBoss J2EE Application Server is supported under our Corporate package. This article describes the procedure to installing a JBoss environment on our servers.

Check that JDK is available on your server

You can run the java -version command from your shell to see your server's JDK version.

Install JBoss into your home

Use the jboss command from your shell to create your JBoss installation. Specify the directory under your $HOME which will contain the JBoss data files.

  $ jboss $HOME/my-jboss
  $HOME/my-jboss does not exist.
  Press enter to install JBoss into this directory, or ctrl+c to abort.
  Installing JBoss into $HOME/my-jboss...
Start the application server

Now start the JBoss server. Make sure to pass the -b argument with your v-host IP address, otherwise you won't be able to connect to it. You can use ctrl-c to shut down the server.

  $ jboss $HOME/my-jboss -b 96.47.74.x

You can now connect to the temporary URL http://96.47.74.x:8080.

You can also use the -c argument to specify an alternate configuration. The default configuration is a basic J2EE/EJB server with integrated Tomcat. The minimal configuration includes minimal jmx kernel support with a JNDI server. The all configuration includes the default features plus JBoss.NET, clustering and IIOP. The configurations are located under the server/* directories in $JBOSS_HOME.

Final setup

Once your application is ready, please send your requirements to tech support, such as port redirections (so that the port 80 of your v-host be redirected to your JBoss server, for example). If you want to use JBoss on specific domains or subdirectories, please let us know.

Next, make sure your application server is started automatically when the server is rebooted. Use "crontab -e" to open up your crontab in your text editor, and add the startup command:

 @reboot (jboss $HOME/my-jboss -b 96.47.74.x)

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